RPPH Blog Books / Libros
Vol. 2 No. 5 (2015): Vol 2. No 5. 2015
Vol 2. No 5. 2015

Revista Publicando is a publication co-edited by Corporación Educativa SER & R.P. Publishing House. It was founded in 2014 as a result of the First Course-Workshop "Publicación en Revistas Indexadas" in Ecuador.

Its main objective is to publish original contributions as research articles, theoretical articles, review articles (literature review or systematic review), book reviews, essays, translations, letters to the Editor.

Although in its early years the journal published articles with a multidisciplinary character; since its new editorial direction at the beginning of 2019, it began to focus only on the area of social sciences. The journal aims to researchers, professors, and authors interested in the fields and subfields that belongs to the social sciences.

Publicando accepts contributions in Spanish and English; it has a quarterly frequency and is published at the beginning of each period (January, April, July, October).

Our articles go through a double-blind peer-review process. If you want to know how to publish with us and the journal's format and style guidelines, follow this link: Guidelines For Authors.

In the past, several institutions have collaborated with us; such as the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador), the University of Tehran (Iran), SCIRP (Scientific Research Publishing), the Universidad Central de Ecuador, the Centro de Estudios Martianos (Cuba), the Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil (Ecuador), EIDEA (Centro de Estudio de Investigación y Desarrollo Académica - Guayaquil), the University of Havana, the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Particular Sudamericano, among others.

Information Sciences

Cristian Gabriel Zambrano Vega, Antonio J. Nebro, José F Aldana-Montes
Applying the principal Multiobjective Metaheuristic reference NSGA-II applied to the Computational Phylogenetics
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Joel Alberto Cedeño Muñoz, Cristian Zambrano Vega, Roberto Pico Saltos
Performance analysis of a local search-based multiobjective algorithm proposal
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Ernesto Alejandro Porro Santos, Lilian Vigoa Machin, Reynaldo Alonso Reyes
Implementation guide on Lubuntu 12.04 LTSP thin clients for headquarters Jose Marti.
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Emilio Rodrigo Zhuma, Amilkar Puris
Allocation of frequencies in GSM mobile networks using Meta Heuristics ACO
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Janeth Inés Mora Secaira, Juan Pablo Verrezueta Vásquez
Impact levels : Heartbleed vs. Bugs Bash Bugs
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Enterprise organization management

Mario Alejandro Pérez Arévalo, León Benigno Arguello Núñez, Walther Boanerges Purcachi Aguirre
Rural poverty in Ecuador: A brief period analysis 2000-2014
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Edison Javier Guaña Moya, Alexandra Gladys Alvear Escobar, Ketty Jadira Ortiz Remache
Characterization of digital consumer Ecuador
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Monica Patricia Buenaño Allauca, Tania Darlene Marca Altamirano
Ethnotourism developmental difficulties
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Paula Marisol Plaza Zambrano, Blanca Emilia Blanco Campins
Analysis of the problems faced by Agricultural Pymes to participate in the local economic development
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Rosario León Sanchez
Perspectivas del turismo cultural. Comercialización de la cultura y fortalecimiento de identidad
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Johanna Mendoza Tene, Jennifer Quintanilla Castellanos
Papel de la Auditoria de Estados Financieros en las Pymes
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Erick Paul Murillo Delgado, Luis Gerardo Santillán López
Revisión de las Investigaciones sobre teorí­a y práctica del Emprendimiento. Posibilidades del Monitor Global de Emprendimiento (MGE)
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Clemente Aladino Moreira Basurto, Carlos Vicente Córdova Herrera
El reto de la Educación Contable
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Roberto Carlos Masabanda Pilataxi
Instrumento para obtener criterios de prioridades para planificar recursos ambientales
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Elias Samuel Ortiz Morejón, Jimmy Gabriel Dí­az Cueva
Análisis de los factores que influyen en la toma de decisiones de inversión en portafolios de acciones
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