Economics | Revista Publicando

In this section, our readers will find articles pertaining to the field of economic sciences. This branch of the social sciences is devoted to studying and analyzing the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and their efficient management.

The economic sciences have a wide range of practical applications in various fields, such as public policy making, business planning, financial investment, and economic consulting. In addition, the study of economics provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that drive economic growth, inequality, poverty, and other fundamental aspects of society.

Over the years, our journal has strived to reflect this area's diversity, complexity, and heterogeneity, which stands out as one of the most relevant in the field of social sciences today. The selected articles offer an enriching and insightful approach to various economic topics, contributing to advancing and disseminating knowledge in this crucial field.

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Damián Leonardo Sotalí­n Sotalí­n, Enrique Rafael Muñoz Moreta, Mary Yesennya Saltos Chacán
Analyze the impact of the advance income tax in the competitive development of MSMEs in the leather and footwear sector Zone 3, period 2010- 2013
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Flor Marina Fon Fay Vásquez, Sonia Esther Barzola Miranda, Joaquín Morán Bajaña
The prevalence of Aspergillus spp. and aflatoxin in corn Zea mays L. (maize) stored in silos in Ecuador
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Cristina Chauca Pozo, Ronald Soto Aguirre, Rodrigo López Sánchez
Model for sustainable tourism in no oil dependence Yasuní
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Alexandra Gladys Alvear Escobar, Christian Quishpe Fernández, Diana Elizabeth Enrí­quez Panchi
Tourism as an alternative community development in the Community of Cotococha Pastaza - Ecuador
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Luis Oswaldo Rodríguez Mañay, Mary Saltos Chacán, Enrique Rafael Muñoz Moreta
The default rate calculation of indirect manufacturing costs Applied employed a linear regression model.
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Jorge Aní­bal Quintanilla Gavilanes, Omar Gabriel Mejí­a Flores
Considerations on tax revenues versus GDP in Latin American countries
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Paula Marisol Plaza Zambrano, Blanca Emilia Blanco Campins
Analysis of the problems faced by Agricultural Pymes to participate in the local economic development
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Mario Alejandro Pérez Arévalo, León Benigno Arguello Núñez, Walther Boanerges Purcachi Aguirre
Rural poverty in Ecuador: A brief period analysis 2000-2014
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