Sociodemographic factors and intrafamilial abuse in the elderly of the Suburbio | Revista Publicando
Sociodemographic factors and intrafamilial abuse in the elderly of the Suburbio
Revista Publicando


Expressed emotion
Mental health
Family of bipolar patients

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Pérez Mato, D. de la C., Garay Arellano, G., & Velis Aguirre, L. M. (2019). Sociodemographic factors and intrafamilial abuse in the elderly of the Suburbio. Revista Publicando, 6(22), 27-34. Retrieved from


Abuse of the elderly has emerged as a social problem in the public sphere for a few years. Are few the investigations on this subject, although the Ecuadorian Constitution recognizes older adults as a   group of priority attention,   that represents 6.5% of the population of the country (2010 data), with an estimated increase of 18% by 2050, according to the Ministry of economic and social inclusion. The main objective of this work was to characterize the sociodemographic factors associated with family abuse of older adults in the Suburb sector. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out during the last semester of 2017. The sample was 100 older adults. The documentary analysis, the Mini-mental test, and a family risk assessment questionnaire were used. The results showed prevalence of intrafamilial abuse, mainly in the female sex. Poverty and material conditions, in general, were not associated with intrafamily abuse, which undoubtedly constitutes an alarming indicator of the current magnitude of this phenomenon in the 21st century, which could have a significant theoretical and social impact if found for further investigations.


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