Marketing plan for tourism companies in Sonora, Mexico | Revista Publicando
Marketing plan for tourism companies in Sonora, Mexico


geotechnical engineering
finite difference method

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Vidales Maldonado, A. V., Almada Muñoz, C. M., Núñez Ramí­rez, M. A., Esparza Garcí­a, I. G., & Mendivil, Y. C. (2020). Marketing plan for tourism companies in Sonora, Mexico. Revista Publicando, 7(23), 72-84. Retrieved from


Satisfying consumers is an elementary aspect of a successful business. This is even more evident in the tourism sector, where experiences and intangible assets are commercialized. For this reason, marketing plays an essential role in this type of business, especially the use of the marketing mix. However, despite the importance of this discipline for this sector, in places like Sonora, there are still many areas of opportunity. The objective of the present investigation was to generate strategies to improve the satisfaction of the visitors of Cajeme, Sonora, through the realization of a marketing plan. A questionnaire was validated, and two strategies were formulated, based on the use of statistical tests, such as the Pearson correlation and the Student”™s t-test, as well as the SWOT analysis. That is why, a quantitative research was carried out with a correlational and descriptive-comparative design, analyzing a sample of 60 touristic companies. The results can be used as empirical evidence to explore and formulate strategies that allow the promotion of tourism in different regions.


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