RPPH Blog Books / Libros
Vol. 8 No. 30 (2021): Revista Publicando - Social Sciences
Revista Publicando - Social Sciences

Revista Publicando is a publication co-edited by Corporación Educativa SER & R.P. Publishing House. It was founded in 2014 as a result of the First Course-Workshop "Publicación en Revistas Indexadas" in Ecuador.

Its main objective is to publish original contributions as research articles, theoretical articles, review articles (literature review or systematic review), book reviews, essays, translations, letters to the Editor.

Although the journal published articles with a multidisciplinary character in its early years, since its new editorial direction at the beginning of 2019, it began to focus only on the area of social sciences. The journal aims to researchers, professors, and authors interested in the fields and subfields that belongs to the social sciences.

Publicando accepts contributions in Spanish and English; it has a quarterly frequency and is published at the beginning of each period (January, April, July, October).

Our articles go through a double-blind peer-review process. If you want to know how to publish with us and the journal's format and style guidelines, follow this link: Guidelines For Authors.


Yuri Sánchez Solis, Edgardo Félix Palomino Torres, Edgar Augusto Salinas Loarte, Yris Yolanda Bedoya Campos, Luis Ricardo Flores Vilcapoma
Economic environment and levels of competitiveness of the less competitive regions of Peru
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Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez, Marco Veloz-Jaramillo, Alexis Valdivieso-Bonilla, María Sánchez-Hidalgo, Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk
Minimizing credit risk by applying the Box Jenkins econometric methodology
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Giovanna Georgina Ramírez Cerón
Courtship in times of Covid-19: Affectivity during the National Journey of Healthy Distance in Mexico
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Mario Andrés Miranda Guatumillo, Bernardo Zambrano Velasco, Esther Briggitte Castellanos Espinoza, Katheryn Zatizabal Morán
The reality of the informal market in Quito in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020
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Luis Alberto López Rodríguez, Pamela Franco Díaz, Teresa de Jesús Barreras Villavelázquez, Wilberth Velducea Velducea, Ma Concepción Soto Valenzuela
Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship a holistic competence in university education: systematic review
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MSc. Luis Eduardo Prado-Yépez, MSc. Walter Santiago Mayorga-Benavides, Lcdo. Miguel Angel Román-Jaramillo, Lcda. Magali Janeth Arévalo-Arteta
Pedagogical Analysis of the Flipped Classroom Method in the Development of Reading Comprehension and Oral Production in the English language