Fixed assets and their Reasonable Valuation key factor in the preparation of Financial Statements | Revista Publicando
Fixed assets and their Reasonable Valuation key factor in the preparation of Financial Statements


intangible assets
accounting valuation
financial statements activos intangibles
valoración contable
estados financieros

How to Cite

Chango-Galarza, M., Cárdenas-Pérez, A., Benavides-Echeverría , I., Espinosa-Jaramillo , M., & Gallo-Bastidas, D. (2024). Fixed assets and their Reasonable Valuation key factor in the preparation of Financial Statements. Revista Publicando, 11(42), 16-29.


The present work shows a response to the unknowns generated by the ignorance of the accounting treatment that must be given to intangible assets, their recognition, measurement and presentation. Establishing an analysis of the incidence of the accounting valuation of intangible assets in the correct presentation of reasonable financial statements, in this context it is intended to address the trading PyMEs of the Province of Pichincha. The methodology used is a quantitative approach that arises from a collection of numerical data, this being the ideal method to identify trends, averages, verify the relationship between the variables and the hypothesis of the companies under study. As well as the experimental basis that generated the arithmetic calculation of the measurement of intangibles, the limitation was the lack of an adequate accounting treatment at the time of applying NIC 38, while the evidenced finding is the valuation of intangibles that varies depending on the economic activity of the company in its subsequent measurement. For this reason, the adequate accounting treatment will allow the reasonable presentation of the Financial Statements.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Mariela Chango-Galarza, Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez, Iralda Benavides-Echeverría , María Espinosa-Jaramillo , Diego Gallo-Bastidas


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