The aesthetic education of the teacher in training in Didactics of literature. Outlines of a proposal | Revista Publicando
The aesthetic education of the teacher in training in Didactics of literature. Outlines of a proposal


educación estética
educación literaria
didáctica experimental aesthetic education
literary education
experimental didactics

How to Cite

Parra Marrero, Y. (2024). The aesthetic education of the teacher in training in Didactics of literature. Outlines of a proposal. Revista Publicando, 11(41), 1-11.


The main objective of this article is to outline a group of didactic and experimental proposals related to the aesthetic education of the future teacher in literary training. These proposals are part of a case study to be carried out with students belonging to the Didactics of Literature subjects of the Faculty of Education at the University of Barcelona, in order to determine if these experiences, fundamentally linked to art and the environment, have a favorable or unfavorable impact on the creativity and aesthetic sensitivity of students. Taking into account the objectives and the tools to be used, the study falls within the framework of qualitative methodology and is part of a much broader theoretical-practical research currently in development.


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