Consumer Analysis and Sustainable Marketing: A Perspective towards Environmental and Social Responsibility | Revista Publicando
Consumer Analysis and Sustainable Marketing: A Perspective towards Environmental and Social Responsibility


Marketing sostenible
consumo sostenible
responsabilidad ambiental
Agenda 2030 sustainable marketing
Agenda 2030
sustainable consumption
environmental responsibility

How to Cite

Pinargote-Yepez, M., Guevara–López , S., & Rosero, M. (2024). Consumer Analysis and Sustainable Marketing: A Perspective towards Environmental and Social Responsibility. Revista Publicando, 11(41), 75-83.


The article details a documentary review of sustainable consumption and marketing, which analyzes its historical evolution, the efforts of international organizations and governments to achieve consumption with social and environmental responsibility, for this the main analysis is based on compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030, as they have evolved as the main world actors recognize the preponderant need to take action to stop environmental deterioration. From a sustainable perspective, changes in the behavior of consumers are investigated, who are more aware, informed buyers and demand a clean production from the selection of raw materials, processing and marketing. As a result of the investigation, it was possible to conclude that the new generations demand concrete and real actions on the execution of public and private policies aligned with responsible consumption.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maribel Pinargote-Yepez, Sandra Guevara–López , Maribel Rosero


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