Application of ICT in teachers in the area of ​​social sciences: law and economics | Revista Publicando
Application of ICT in teachers in the area of ​​social sciences: law and economics
Revista Publicando Issue 25 Vol 7


pedagogical attitudes
technological innovation
teacher training TIC
actitudes pedagógicas
innovación tecnológica
formación docente

How to Cite

Perazzo Logioia, D. C., & Pantoja Sánchez, M. T. (2020). Application of ICT in teachers in the area of ​​social sciences: law and economics. Revista Publicando, 7(25), 180-192.


This descriptive study examines the application of ICT in teachers’ careers from the field of social sciences in a Mexican public university. Academic areas involved are law and economics. This article is concerning a broader research that extended to faculties such as Medicine, Engineering and Agronomy. The application of a questionnaire to 38 teachers who teach subjects in these careers, has led us to determine the extent to which technologies are used in class, the objectives considered when implementing, and attitudes presented by teachers in relation to TIC. (Prats, 2016) states, "The question is not to be for or against the introduction of technology in education, and we are all in favor. What is relevant is to determine what role should they play in a teaching-learning process. " According to (Salvador, 1991) a computer is an innovative means which causes “…achieve learning as another material in the classroom" and that does not replace the teacher, rather come to support the work of teachers. Teachers’ career as a traditional law, are more reluctant to use ICT in their classes as well as those who are part of the academic program of Economy. However, nearly 20 years of the new century is inexcusable that teachers receive courses and workshops to support their daily work in order to be able to understand and apply ICT in line with the demands of work in which the student will perform in the near future.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Claudio Perazzo Logioia, María Teresa Pantoja Sánchez


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