Attention to children of the Chongón health center for acute respiratory infections | Revista Publicando
Attention to children of the Chongón health center for acute respiratory infections
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moral aspect
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Vera Rodrí­guez, T., & Zambrano Arias, E. Y. (2020). Attention to children of the Chongón health center for acute respiratory infections. Revista Publicando, 7(24), 71-79. Retrieved from


The direct influence of the socioeconomic context on health drives the development of social programs; In this sense, acute respiratory infections are one of the main diseases that affect the community nuclei, they make up a heterogeneous group of infections that also affects the children of Ecuador, as well as in other tropical latitudes, where the risk of possible diseases that can become pandemics. A descriptive and retrospective study on acute respiratory infections occurred in children under 5 years of age, who attended consultations during 2018 at the Chongón Health Center, Guayaquil. Ecuador. In the investigation, acute respiratory infections, sex, age, months of the year are presented as variables; they have been related to the distribution of the pathologies and their incidence in the months of the year 2018. As a result, it was found that the main respiratory infections found in children under 5 years correspond to acute rhinopharyngitis with 47.6%, acute tonsillitis 38.1% and acute pharyngitis with 10.3%. 39.8% of all cases of acute rhinopharyngitis, correspond to patients 1 year of age and the months with the highest incidence of pathologies are identified between the months of May to August with a total of 344 cases, meaning 39 ,4%. A better understanding of the behavior of acute respiratory infections that affect children in the community health area was achieved.


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