RPPH Blog Books / Libros

In this section, our readers will find articles pertaining to the field of economic sciences. This branch of the social sciences is devoted to studying and analyzing the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and their efficient management.

The economic sciences have a wide range of practical applications in various fields, such as public policy making, business planning, financial investment, and economic consulting. In addition, the study of economics provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that drive economic growth, inequality, poverty, and other fundamental aspects of society.

Over the years, our journal has strived to reflect this area's diversity, complexity, and heterogeneity, which stands out as one of the most relevant in the field of social sciences today. The selected articles offer an enriching and insightful approach to various economic topics, contributing to advancing and disseminating knowledge in this crucial field.

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Rómulo Alejandro Barba López, Washington Aurelio Hidalgo Hidalgo, Erick Paul Murillo Delgado
Reality of Microcredits for Female Entrepreneurship in the Northwest Zone of Guayaquil, Ecuador
Erika Sonia Quiñonez Alvarado, Mariana de Jesús Lozano Robles, José Luis Romero Villagrán
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS 9), measurement and classification of financial instruments
Sorayda Valentina Zavala Mejía, Laura Annabell Ventura Quimis, Katty Janeth Parrales Cedeño, María Leonor Parrales Poveda
Unemployment: a concluding factor in the health emergency due to COVID-19 in Ecuador
Milton Felipe Proaño Castro, Humberto Pedro Segarra Jaime, Jimmy Javier Jara Nivelo
Female entrepreneurship in a pandemic. A reality in the women of the northwest of Guayaquil, Ecuador
Cevero Rómulo Rojas León, Paúl César Calderón Fernández, Ketty Marilú Moscoso Paucarchuco, Mayda Alvina Nieva Villegas
Transformational leadership and financial management in a provincial municipality
Xiomara Nayel Yoza Calderón, Ronny Anthony Villafuerte Soledispa, María Leono Parrales Poveda
Business growth: market development strategy in the MIPYMES sector
Teodoro Mauricio Escalante Bourne, Clarkent Rubén Mackay Castro, Teodoro Antonio Escalante Ramírez, Rubén Alberto Mackay Véliz
Quality assurance in ecuadorian SMEs
Derli Francisco Álava Rosado, Pedro Alexander Avilés Almeida, Walter Iván Navas Bayona
International negotiation mechanisms to boost Ecuadorian productivity