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Proverbs and Sayings as reflection of National Character (In The Context of Tatar and English Proverbs and Sayings)
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Ibrahimova, B., Tarasova, F., Yarullina, O., & Bakytovich Beisenbai, A. (2017). Proverbs and Sayings as reflection of National Character (In The Context of Tatar and English Proverbs and Sayings). Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 626-633. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/923


 The article under study aims at investigating the semantics and pragmatics of the English and Tatar proverbs and sayings from the point of view on linguo-cultural aspects. To reach the goal the researchers applied such methods of investigation as descriptive method, oppositional analysis of the English and Tatar proverbs, method of comparative analyses, statistical method, method of generalization. Proverbs and saying reflect emotional characteristics of the Tatar and the English nation, the investigated expressions either coincide in some basic categories or express polar points of view and attitudes. Being a valuable object of linguo-cultural investigations proverbs realise not just functions of lthe language but that of culture as well. Proverbs and sayings are an integral part of the national language picture of the world. As linguo-cultural texts proverbs and sayings explicit a definite layer of culture of a separate ethnic group, reflect spiritual and physical activity of culture representatives, the peculiarities of mentality and world perception of a definite linguo-cultural society.

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