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Methodology of glossary creating (on the example of the Caribbean Spanish Glossary)
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Yakubova, D., Pleuchova, E., & Valeeva, A. (2017). Methodology of glossary creating (on the example of the Caribbean Spanish Glossary). Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 332-341. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/884


Lexicographic resources are keepers of knowledge in a verbal form and an irreplaceable instrument of scientific research. In the article the concept of glossary is defined, concepts of glossary and dictionary are differentiated, structural principles of a glossary are described, and the typology of glossaries is given depending on their mission and structure. The purpose of a linguoculturological glossary is emphasized, that is to serve as means of system reflection for specific lexicon in all forms of its language expression. Experience of building a glossary of specific lexicon of Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries being the result of complex linguoculturological research of national language varieties of the region is described. Stages of work on the glossary include creating a lexicographic database containing the lexical units that are characteristic of Spanish varieties of Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries; filling the created base with information from the existing lexicographic sources; carrying out corpus and field research aimed at specifying the data obtained by introspective research; creating a glossary of specific lexicon of Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries as a result of the comparative analysis of the yielded lexicographic sources and results of field and corpus research. The Glossary represents a valuable resource where the information on the specific lexicon of Caribbean countries is conveniently organized.

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