Reading plays an important role in second language learners”™ academic achievement for many reasons. That”™s why understanding some important facts about reading instruction for teachers is essential to providing effective instruction in reading.
The aim of this paper was to make an analysis of different studies on the research findings and issues about using graphic organizers as a mainly used as a reading strategy. It highlights key concepts from reading research, reading second language, methods and approaches for teaching EFL, reading strategies, reading skills and the theoretical foundations of graphic organizers. Teachers play an essential role in helping students to increase their ability in reading comprehension. Students can use visual organizers as a support when interacting with peers in cooperative learning environments to learn more effectively as they have more significant understanding of what is being read. Additionally, students recall more central ideas when they learn from a graphic organizer than when they learn from a text. (Angela M. O”™Donnell, Donald F. Dansereau,Richard H. Hall, 2002)The methodology used was based on a descriptive study through the analysis of several primary sources such as research papers on the topic that have been published in scientific journals, books among others. We can conclude by saying that there were great benefits from using graphic organizers as an instructional tool. Teachers should start implementing t this reading strategy in their classrooms and train students in using it as effective readers to develop their reading comprehension abilities and to promote their autonomous learning and attain higher levels of performance. Graphic organizers are valuable tools in teaching students how to become better readers and thus better learners. However, there have not been enough studies related to the topic. This study will stimulate further research and thinking about the use of graphic organizers as a reading strategy.
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