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Enseñanza de la ingenierí­a de Software

Palabras clave

brecha neurociencias educación

Cómo citar

Chanatasig Toapanta, H. M. (2017). Enseñanza de la ingenierí­a de Software. Revista Publicando, 4(12 (1), 122-131. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/645


La Ingenierí­a de Software (IS) es la utilización de un enfoque metódico, cuidadoso y cuantificable al desarrollo, operación y mantenimiento de software, y el estudio de estas direcciones, es decir, el estudio de las aplicaciones de la ingenierí­a al software. Agrupa asignaturas como matemáticas, ciencias de la computación y prácticas cuyos orí­genes se encuentran en la ingenierí­a. La IS se puede considerar como la ingenierí­a aplicada al software, esto es, por medios sistematizados y con herramientas preestablecidas, la aplicación de ellos de la manera más eficiente para la obtención de resultados óptimos; objetivos que siempre busca la ingenierí­a. No es sólo de la resolución de problemas, sino más bien teniendo en cuenta las diferentes soluciones, elegir la más apropiada.

La presente contribución cientí­fica destaca las aristas y proyecciones de esta disciplina mediante un estudio bibliográfico confinado al directorio académico Scopus, y solo a trabajos socializados en idioma inglés. Los principales resultados de la investigación apuntaron a que la Ingenierí­a de Software (IS) se ha convertido en la forma predominante del desarrollo de software para empresas internacionales y ha dado lugar a una demanda de estudiantes formados en esta materia.



Alaya, Z., Chemek, A., El Khil, G. K., Ben Aissa, M., & Marzouk, A. (2017) An integrated project for freshmen students in a software engineering education. Vol. 544 (pp. 209-216): Springer Verlag.

Beslmeisl, M., Reuter, R., & Mottok, J. (2017) The importance of writing in software engineering education. Vol. 544 (pp. 315-321): Springer Verlag.

Bollin, A., Pasterk, S., Antonitsch, P., & Sabitzer, B. (2016). Software engineering in primary and secondary schools-Informatics education is more than programming.

Clear, T., Beecham, S., Barr, J., Daniels, M., McDermott, R., Oudshoorn, M., . . . Noll, J. (2015). Challenges and recommendations for the design and conduct of global software engineering courses: A systematic review. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 2015 ITiCSE on Working Group Reports.

Clear, T., Beecham, S., Barr, J., Daniels, M., Oudshoorn, M., & Noll, J. (2016). Developments in Global Software Engineering Education. Paper presented at the Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2016 IEEE.

Daniels, M. (2011). Developing and Assessing Professional Competencies: a Pipe Dream?: Experiences from an Open-Ended Group Project Learning Environment. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.

Daniels, M., Cajander, í…., Pears, A., & Clear, T. (2010). Engineering education research in practice: Evolving use of open ended group projects as a pedagogical strategy for developing skills in global collaboration. International Journal of Engineering Education, 26(4), 795-806.

Gallant, R. (2016). Thinking Fast: Patterns of Cognitive Error in Software Engineering Education and Practice.

Gold-Veerkamp, C., Abke, J., & Diethelm, I. (2016). A research approach to analyse and foster discipline-specific language competency in software engineering education.

Hoda, R., Babar, M. A., Shastri, Y., & Yaqoob, H. (2016). Socio-Cultural Challenges in Global Software Engineering Education. IEEE Transactions on Education. doi:10.1109/TE.2016.2624742

Kadenbach, D., & Kleiner, C. (2016) Evaluation of collaborative development environments for software engineering courses in higher education. Vol. 9742 (pp. 365-372): Springer Verlag.

Kalles, D. (2016). Artificial intelligence meets software engineering in computing education.

Marques, M., Ochoa, S. F., & Bastarrica, M. C. (2016). Software engineering education in Chile - Status report.

Monasor, M. J., Vizcaí­no, A., Piattini, M., Noll, J., & Beecham, S. (2013). Simulating global software development processes for use in education: A feasibility study. Paper presented at the European Conference on Software Process Improvement.

Mujkanovic, A., & Bollin, A. (2016). Improving learning outcomes through systematic group reformation: The role of skills and personality in software engineering education.

Pieper, J., Lueth, O., Goedicke, M., & Forbrig, P. (2017). A case study of software engineering methods education supported by digital game-based learning: Applying the SEMAT Essence kernel in games and course projects.

Shuto, M., Washizaki, H., Kakehi, K., Fukazawa, Y., Yamato, S., & Okubo, M. (2016). Learning effectiveness of team discussions in various software engineering education courses.

Silva, D., Nunes, I., & Terra, R. (2017). Investigating code quality tools in the context of software engineering education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25(2), 230-241. doi:10.1002/cae.21793

Sureephong, P., & Singjai, A. (2016) SaaS for education: A case study of Google apps in software engineering class. Vol. 467 (pp. 631-639): Springer New York LLC.

Suri, B., Jatana, N., & Tomer, M. (2016). Towards advancement of education in Software Engineering.

Torre, D., Procaccianti, G., Fucci, D., Lutovac, S., & Scanniello, G. (2017). On the presence of green and sustainable software engineering in higher education curricula.

Work in progress: Teaching-obstacles in higher software engineering education. (2017).

Wrycza, S., Marcinkowski, B., & Gajda, D. (2017). The Enriched UTAUT Model for the Acceptance of Software Engineering Tools in Academic Education. Information Systems Management, 34(1), 38-49. doi:10.1080/10580530.2017.1254446

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