The theory of value-work. The predominance of classic thought from modernity towards “overmodernity” | Revista Publicando
The theory of value-work. The predominance of classic thought from modernity towards “overmodernity”
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Cárdenas-Pérez, A. (2019). The theory of value-work. The predominance of classic thought from modernity towards “overmodernity”. Revista Publicando, 6(21), 1-7. Retrieved from


The theory of value-work, since its postulation in classical theories (Smith: 1776, Ricardo: 1817) has been an object of study of constant debate in society. This article intends to review the problem of how the new forms of production also discuss the classical theory of labor value proposed by Karl Marx (1857. A journey is made in its evolution from modernity, conceived as the industrial era, to overmodernity, where a digital age is forged. Through the bibliographic review method of some authors, it is found that despite the Marxist approaches on the difference between value and labor price, the measurement of wealth continues to predominate based on the working time involved. This allows us to raise the hypothesis that society has not been able to differentiate the Marxist postulates of the Ricardians and can observe this confusion when fixing or organizing the weekly work schedule, the age for retirement, the dead time within the company, labor flexibility, among others. However, in the quest to reduce the difference between the actual working time and the legal working time of the proletariat and in becoming a growing social sector its final effect has been a pauperization of the masses of workers.



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