The place of the russian legislation in the modern legal systems | Revista Publicando
The place of the russian legislation in the modern legal systems

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Gennadij A., Elena Yu., Evgenij E., Vladimir S., & Maksim A. (2018). The place of the russian legislation in the modern legal systems. Revista Publicando, 5(16 (1), 822-828. Recuperado a partir de


The article reviews the leading modern legal systems. Their main features as well as advantages and disadvantages were identified. The article notes the existence of conditions for competition between legal systems, that, eventually, leads to a rapprochement between them on the basic parameters. The Russian law, by its characteristics, is referred to the continental legal family. The analysis of the key directions in the development of economic legislation reveals, at the same time, a tendency to penetrate the Anglo-Saxon legal institutions into the Russian legal system.



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