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Modelos de servicios compartidos
Julio-Septiembre 2016

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Pérez Sisa, F. G. (2016). Modelos de servicios compartidos. Revista Publicando, 3(8), 579-587. https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/328


La  investigación estableció como objetivo la revisión de las publicaciones referidas en revistas cientí­ficas sobre los servicios compartidos para poder establecer vací­os existentes en la literatura especializada sobre los servicios compartidos sus modelos y tendencias. .Para poder realizar la revisión bibliográfica se procedió a buscar en Scopus el término en idioma inglés “shared services” para su aparición en el tí­tulo del documento y para el periodo 1962 al 2016. Ello permitió obtener un total de 891 documentos.  

Se pudo determinar que las publicaciones relacionadas con los servicios compartidos se concentran en   Medicina y Ciencias de la Computación lo que se demostró a partir del análisis tanto de las disciplinas como de las revistas especializadas en que fueron publicados los artí­culos. Para poder determinar los vací­os existentes en la literatura se procedió a un análisis de contenidos determinándose que relativamente pocas publicaciones se han enfocado en el establecimiento de modelos de negocios de servicios compartidos   y que el análisis de los servicios compartidos para instituciones públicas es una lí­nea investigativa de interés cientí­fico y practico.



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Askhoj, J., Nagamori, M., & Sugimoto, S. (2011). Archiving as a service- A model for the provision of shared archiving services using cloud computing. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference on 2011 iConference: Inspiration, Integrity, and Intrepidity, iConference 2011, Seattle, WA.

Becker, J., Niehaves, B., & Krause, A. (2009). Shared services strategies and their determinants: A multiple case study analysis in the public sector. Paper presented at the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2009, AMCIS 2009, San Francisco, CA.

Felice, A. M., & Kouimtsidis, C. (2008). Shared care for treatment of opioid dependence and the new general medical services contract. Psychiatric Bulletin, 32(3), 88-90. doi:10.1192/pb.bp.107.015503

Gospel, H., & Sako, M. (2010). The unbundling of corporate functions: the evolution of shared services and outsourcing in human resource management. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(5), 1367-1396.

Hobson, S., Anand, R., Yang, J., Liu, X., & Lee, J. (2011). Municipal shared services cloud. Paper presented at the 2011 Annual SRII Global Conference, SRII 2011, San Jose, CA.

Houssos, N., Stathopoulos, P., Stathopoulou, I. O., Kalaitzis, A., & Soumplis, A. (2014). Shared service components infrastructure for enriching the user experience in electronic publications. Information Services and Use, 34(3-4), 297-307. doi:10.3233/ISU-140750

Janssen, M., & Joha, A. (2006). Motives for establishing shared service centers in public administrations. International Journal of Information Management, 26(2), 102-115. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2005.11.006

Joha, A., & Janssen, M. (2011). Types of shared services business models in public administration. Paper presented at the 12th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference: Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times, dg.o 2011, College Park, MD.

Joha, A., & Janssen, M. (2014). Factors influencing the shaping of shared services business models: Balancing customization and standardization. Strategic Outsourcing, 7(1), 47-65. doi:10.1108/SO-10-2013-0018

Kang, T. H., Chien, W., & Shen, S. S. (2016). The study for selecting the cloud service consignment performance in group decision of shared inventory resource in small-sized electronic industry. Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE ICASI 2016.

Keefe, C. W., Thompson, M. E., & Noel, M. M. (2002). Medical students, clinical preventive services, and shared decision-making. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 77(11), 1160-1161.

Mendels, F. F. (1972). Proto-industrialization: the first phase of the industrialization process. The journal of economic history, 32(01), 241-261.

Raudla, R., & Tammel, K. (2015). Creating shared service centres for public sector accounting. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 28(2), 158-179. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-06-2013-1371

Schulman, D. S., Harmer, M. J., Dunleavy, J. R., & Lusk, J. S. (1999). Shared services: Adding value to the business units: Wiley New York.

Tammel, K. (2015). Collective institutional entrepreneurship in initiating public-sector shared service centers. Halduskultuur, 16(2), 161-179.

Tammel, K. (2016). Shared Services and Cost Reduction Motive in the Public Sector. International Journal of Public Administration, 1-13. doi:10.1080/01900692.2016.1204617

Tans-Kersten, J., Grace Lin, S. Y., Desmond, E., & Warshauer, D. (2016). Evaluating shared laboratory services: Detecting Mycobacterium Tuberculosis complex and drug resistance using molecular and culture-based methods. Public Health Reports, 131(1), 117-125.

Ulrich, D. (1995). Shared services: From vogue to value. People and Strategy, 18(3), 12.

Yu, Y., Ni, J., Au, M. H., Mu, Y., Wang, B., & Li, H. (2015). Comments on a Public Auditing Mechanism for Shared Cloud Data Service. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 8(6), 998-999. doi:10.1109/TSC.2014.2355201

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