Tourism as an alternative community development in the Community of Cotococha Pastaza - Ecuador | Revista Publicando
Tourism as an alternative community development in the Community of Cotococha Pastaza - Ecuador
Vol 3. No 7
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Turismo comunitario
Pastaza Sostenibilidad Community
Community Tourism
Sustainability Pastaza

How to Cite

Alvear Escobar, A. G., Quishpe Fernández, C., & Enrí­quez Panchi, D. E. (2016). Tourism as an alternative community development in the Community of Cotococha Pastaza - Ecuador. Revista Publicando, 3(7), 203-219. Retrieved from


The Community based tourism has been promoted in recent years as a means of economic and social development of local communities through the use of natural, cultural and heritage conservation tools and the same; Community tourism is an area of sustainable development that each government applied in your country, to strengthen the social development of each community without affecting the environment.
The backbone of a good tourism planning is the community which will develop the project, in order to better preserve its heritage, natural and cultural resources. Generating a sound management of Community Tourism and implementation.
Ecuador, a mega diverse country in culture, ethnicity and biology, as well as resources or products that can be offered globally has developed community tourism projects in different provinces of Ecuador as; Manabí, Imbabura, Esmeraldas and Pastaza; however, the focus of this article will study community tourism as a development alternative in the community of Cotococha in the province of Pastaza, because of its natural wealth have their forests and which must be known and preserved. Such projects within Amazonian communities creates new work places and increases income; thus allowing better social development. The low costs involved for the community to develop tourism in their communities suggest that they are feasible and viable projects that can be driven within communities because they tend not to use too many technical, financial and material resources.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Alexandra Gladys Alvear Escobar, Christian Quishpe Fernández, Diana Elizabeth Enrí­quez Panchi


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