Gaps in the Lexical System of different-type Languages | Revista Publicando
Gaps in the Lexical System of different-type Languages

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Marsheva, T. V., Peretochkina, S. M., & Gatiyatullina, G. M. (2017). Gaps in the Lexical System of different-type Languages. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 459-468. Retrieved from


The article considers one of the ways to fill lexical gaps - hyper-hyponymic and hypo-hyperonical relations in the lexical system of English and Russian – comparing different translations of works by D.K. Jerome.

When comparing different languages, it is always possible to single out something common, universal and peculiar, specific. The relevance of this work is determined by the importance of interlingual and intercultural research to identify similarities and differences. Largely, the differences between lexical systems are observed when we compare the ways of referring to the same phenomena, objects and characteristics. Different degrees of mismatch in the methods of nomination or lack thereof in one of the compared languages is called lacunarity.

As a result of the comparison of translations with the original, cases of translation transformation have been revealed, which clearly demonstrate differences in the methods of nomination in the languages being compared. The paper demonstrates that lexical gaps translation models reflect the narrowing or expansion of the semantic field of the prototype in the source.



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