Guide To The Historical And Cultural Heritage Of The City: The Technique Of Creating | Revista Publicando
Guide To The Historical And Cultural Heritage Of The City: The Technique Of Creating

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Gaptraupova, Z. N., Salakhov, R. F., Torbik, V. S., & Abdulkhakova, A. R. (2017). Guide To The Historical And Cultural Heritage Of The City: The Technique Of Creating. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (2), 342-350. Retrieved from


In this article the method of creating guides to the historical and cultural heritage of the city is studied. Based on the identification and analysis of guidebooks for the city of Kazan in the second half of XIX – early XX century, their methodical solutions were summarized, aimed at historically significant characteristics of the object and stimulating the interest of tourists. The benefits of the guidebook in comparison with other genres of information-bibliographic editions were identified and summarized.

A guidebook as a source of historical information, as a genre, contributing to the formation of the country”™s image, traditionally in demand in the society, which is primarily due to such its qualities, as a cultural and educational orientation; implementation of information, impact and hedonic functions; free structural and compositional content, invariance; the complexity of the genre (the inclusion of memoirs, sketches, fragments of works of art, etc.); pragmatism. The preconditions for the emergence of regional guidebooks to the historical and cultural heritage are named, among them the leading place is occupied by the volume of regional knowledge about the region, their complexity and the possibility of the author's interpretations of historical events; publishing base.

The expediency of narrow themed guidebooks (routes) on specific monuments and places is proved, which is explained not only with the richness of such objects in most historic cities, but also the incompatibility of objective approach and emotions in presenting material and temporal constraints of the tour.



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