Assessment of cluster policy implementation effectiveness in the Russian regions | Revista Publicando
Assessment of cluster policy implementation effectiveness in the Russian regions

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Vladimirovich Rodnyansky, D., Yasnitskaya, Y. S., & Tatyana Valeryevna, K. (2017). Assessment of cluster policy implementation effectiveness in the Russian regions. Revista Publicando, 4(13 (3), 502-514. Retrieved from


 Effective implementation of cluster policy is a necessary condition for the transition of the Russian economy to an innovative development path. For the analysis within the framework of this study, five regions of the Russian Federation were selected with successful experience in implementing cluster policy on their territory, namely the Republic of Tatarstan, Yaroslavl, Kaluga, Samara Regions and the city of federal significance in St. Petersburg. A factor analysis of the development of clusters in these regions was carried out according to five main parameters, on the basis of which integral indexes for the development of clusters were derived, and the regions-leaders and regions-outsiders in the implementation of cluster policy were identified. The analysis of subjects of the Russian Federation from the standpoint of the innovation index was also carried out.



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