Social Networks an Alternative to Marketing in PYMES | Revista Publicando
Social Networks an Alternative to Marketing in PYMES
Revista Publicando Vol 2. No 4
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Social networks marketing
Social networks Marketing
Marketing redes sociales
Redes Sociales

How to Cite

Santillán Lopez, L. G., & Medrano Freire, E. L. (2015). Social Networks an Alternative to Marketing in PYMES. Revista Publicando, 2(4), 111-121. Retrieved from


In a conceptual approach on the possibilities for PYMES Marketing through social networks, through a Google Scholar search for the period 2010 to 2015 using the Harzing's Publish or Perish, it was obtained dozens of documents containing proposals and interesting experiences; the same were compiled in a database in Excel, allowing organize the consultation and analysis in order to identify elements that are taxed at a suitable marketing strategy through social networks, in addition to explore good practice in Ecuador in order to make available to companies multiple tools and techniques that have been developed in the current context.
In the documents analyzed the evolution of marketing as a discipline and the ability to engage with technological changes and new spaces developed with the progress of the Internet as massive and powerful means of communication, which are related proposals generating websites, the importance of presence in social networks and to position a product in the minds of consumers in a privileged position compared to competing products; to which it is added as a result of this research the importance of employees, business and administrative PYMES share and monitor these spaces.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Luis Gerardo Santillán Lopez, Eva Leonor Medrano Freire


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