Exploratory research analysis on Corporate Social Responsibility. Period 2010-2015 | Revista Publicando
Exploratory research analysis on Corporate Social Responsibility. Period 2010-2015
Revista Publicando Vol 2. No 4
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Corporate social responsibility
Google scholar
Publish or Perish
CSR state of the art Responsabilidad social corporativa
Google Académico
Publish or Perish
Estado del arte RSC

How to Cite

Murillo Delgado, E. P., & Almeida Rueda, C. E. (2015). Exploratory research analysis on Corporate Social Responsibility. Period 2010-2015. Revista Publicando, 2(4), 84-95. Retrieved from https://revistapublicando.org/revista/index.php/crv/article/view/72


The study presented as objective to perform an exploratory analysis of the research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); with a review on Google Scholar references contained in its title the terms "corporate social responsibility" and the similar term in Spanish for the years 2010-2015, using the "Publish or Perish" tool; which allowed preparing a database in Excel with 1698 references, easy to use and that contains 11 different indicators, which allows to filter the results and retrieve items from the topic of CSR.
Database also allows to sort the references according to the number of citations received as an appropriate strategy to select those with the greatest impact in the scientific community. This strategy can be very effective for researchers who are starting to study this subject.
Content analysis made it possible to determine general trends and systematized models and trends in CSR, stakeholder and in addition the relation of the CSR to the perception of consumers.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Erick Paul Murillo Delgado, Carlos Elí­as Almeida Rueda


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