Follow-up of the “all you need is Ecuador” campaign on Twitter | Revista Publicando
Follow-up of the “all you need is Ecuador” campaign on Twitter
Revista Publicando Vol 2. No 4
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Data mining
Twitter Minería de datos

How to Cite

González Alonso, J. A., Taipe Yánez, J. F., Pazmiño Linzán, J. F., & Pérez González, Y. (2015). Follow-up of the “all you need is Ecuador” campaign on Twitter. Revista Publicando, 2(4), 2-10. Retrieved from


Using a data mining tool such as KNIME messages sent over a period of five days, on Twitter and using the hashtag #allyouneedisecuador, could be obtained
The messages were classified in clusters using the k-mean algorithm and it was possible to classify these messages on five groups according to the indicators and forwarding messages and favorites.
The results are encouraging in terms of both the tool used to collect the Twitter messages: KNIME, as regarding the possibility of clustering.
The work allows to offer the analyst of campaign different possibilities to filter the results according to forwards and favorites and analyze the characteristics of these messages and users, such as travel agencies, with more impact, or less in relation to the analyzed campaign.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Jorge Alberto González Alonso, José Francisco Taipe Yánez, Johny Fabián Pazmiño Linzán, Yudeisy Pérez González


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