Comparison of the titulation by gender in the career of Systems Engineering at the Polytechnic High School of Chimborazo-Ecuador | Revista Publicando
Comparison of the titulation by gender in the career of Systems Engineering at the Polytechnic High School of Chimborazo-Ecuador
Revista Publicando Vol 2. No 4
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Tiempo de estudios
Educación superior
Problemática social Certification
Study time
Higher education
Social issues

How to Cite

Santillán Castillo, J. R., & Guerra Salazar, J. E. (2015). Comparison of the titulation by gender in the career of Systems Engineering at the Polytechnic High School of Chimborazo-Ecuador. Revista Publicando, 2(4), 37-55. Retrieved from


The results presented in this article are derived from researches applied in the Engineering Systems career at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. It analizes 856 graduates over a period of eighteen years, of which 57.13% are men and 367 women, representing 42.87%. The investigation determined that while the number of women graduates is 14.26% lower than male students, they are more efficient, both to cover the curriculum and to complete the work of degree, because to do employing 8.52 years on average, 0.26 years less than the male students. The 58.86% of female students achieve their degree in less or equal time that their average, 3.44% more than male students. A research on this subject can remove the taboos on limiting capabilities derived from gender, either to the study activity or to the professional performance in certain careers. Promote further studies about this topic in the field of higher education, it will allow for actual arguments that contribute to solving a problem that persists and affects to the modern society.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Julio Roberto Santillán Castillo, José Enrique Guerra Salazar


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