Interdisciplinary study of Basic Sciences in the teaching-learning process of Technical and Professional Education in Cuba | Revista Publicando
Interdisciplinary study of Basic Sciences in the teaching-learning process of Technical and Professional Education in Cuba
Revista Publicando. Vol2. No 2. 2015


teaching and learning process
interdisciplinary nodes interdisciplinariedad
proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje
nodos interdisciplinarios

How to Cite

Morales, A. M., Kindelán Cirá, E., & Guzmán Armenteros, T. M. (2015). Interdisciplinary study of Basic Sciences in the teaching-learning process of Technical and Professional Education in Cuba. Revista Publicando, 2(3), 32-51. Retrieved from


Documentary analysis and theoretical systematization of studies by different authors and; of contents of study programs of the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry disciplines in the courses 2008-09, 2010-11, 2013-14 of the first and second years of the careers of Technical and Professional Education in Cuba (ETP) in training of teachers, who allowed the recognition of interdisciplinary nodes of common knowledge and skills in the teaching-learning processes of the disciplines under study and; the proposal of indicators that contribute to the materialization of the projection of the contents from an interdisciplinary perspective, breaking with traditional practices with a marked tendency towards academics from each particular discipline. It is evident in this material, the need for the inclusion of content and learning activities aimed at the realization of interdisciplinarity in its treatment in the process of teaching-learning of basic sciences, as well as the preparation of teachers in this subject, in first and second years of ETP teacher training.



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Copyright (c) 2019 Ana Maria Morales, Eligio Kindelán Cirá, Tania Marí­a Guzmán Armenteros


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