Cauldron and miracle. The dispute between illiberal populism and democracy in Poland | Revista Publicando
Cauldron and miracle. The dispute between illiberal populism and democracy in Poland


illiberal state
opposition Polonia
estado iliberal

How to Cite

Chaguaceda, A., & Salas, R. (2024). Cauldron and miracle. The dispute between illiberal populism and democracy in Poland. Revista Publicando, 11(42), 59-67.


We present this essay as the main object that relates to the nature of Poland's political dispute in the October 2023 elections, because the current situation raises questions about the Polish Democratic Republic and the opposition newspaper. The rise of late populism in Europe has led to the collapse of the liberal-conservative consensus and encouraged nativist and anti-pluralist policies. These movements come from the rule of law and the challenge to liberal institutions. The failure of a democratic political culture in Europe has created a vulnerable space for the penetration of populist discourse, while in Poland the importance of economic, political and migration freedoms, as well as the vitality of civil society, is recognized. The rehearsal is divided into four separate rooms; The first addresses an introduction to the topic, the second is a dialogue between authors, and is the theoretical part of this essay. The penultimate approach to the panorama of the October 2023 elections and finally, we draw conclusions and reflections on the topic.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Armando Chaguaceda, Rebeca Salas


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