A look at the genealogy of the Venezuelan research teacher | Revista Publicando
A look at the genealogy of the Venezuelan research teacher


Docente Investigador
Venezuela Genealogy

How to Cite

Ollarves Levison, Y. (2023). A look at the genealogy of the Venezuelan research teacher. Revista Publicando, 11(42), 48-58. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol11.id2400


This article explores the reconfiguration of the figure of the research teacher, adopting a reconstructive and analytical perspective influenced by Foucault's ideas. It focuses on the power-knowledge relationships inherent in research practices, which are analyzed through a variety of perspectives. According to Foucault, genealogy is essential for understanding new forms of subjectivity. This expository essay seeks to explore the origin of these power-knowledge relationships by examining important historical elements that highlight breaks, conflicts, and tensions within Venezuelan history. It concludes that, despite significant moments in the trajectory of Venezuelan educational research, there emerged discontinuities, discursive formations, and power relationships that led to new ways of understanding aspects previously not evident in the practices of the research teacher.



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