Ruling on the tax regime for microenterprises | Revista Publicando
Ruling on the tax regime for microenterprises


Tax rulings
Market Resoluciones tributarias

How to Cite

Barreiro Delgado, M., & Aguayo–Joza , J. M. (2023). Ruling on the tax regime for microenterprises: Economic impact on the commercial sector. Revista Publicando, 10(40), 49-67.


Tax reforms in Ecuador are constantly in flux, which raises doubts about the effectiveness of the proposed reforms, including the mandatory regime for microenterprises. The objective of this article was to examine the economic impact of the resolution of the tax regime for microenterprises in the commercial sector. To carry out this research, a descriptive approach with a non-experimental design was used, as well as an analysis of official economic data and a literature review. The methodology used in this study was mainly documentary. An exhaustive analysis of the official economic reports of the commercial sector for the years 2019 and 2020 was carried out. These reports provided essential data on the taxation of microenterprises, as well as information on changes in the taxation regime and their impact on the sector. The analysis of economic reports and similar studies was presented as results, from which relevant data were extracted to identify trends and patterns in the economic impact of the tax regime on the commercial sector. The results and discussion point to a number of crucial conclusions. On the one hand, it is recognized that the tax reform was beneficial to the State although it created dissatisfaction among taxpayers; on the other hand, there is concern about the low level of income experienced by microenterprises and their influence on job creation.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Mónica Barreiro Delgado, Johanna Melisa Aguayo-Joza


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