This paper is about accessible tourism for people with disabilities and for the elderly. The objective was to evaluate the characteristics and conditions of accessibility in the facilities and in the service of two agrotourism farms located in the municipality of Comalcalco, Tabasco; both are specialized in alternative tourism by offering tours in cocoa plantations and in the explanation of the chocolate production process. The methodology developed has a mixed approach. Data collection required the application of two instruments: a qualitative interview conducted with those responsible for the tourist centers and a checklist of accessibility indicators with a quantitative orientation. As a result, it was observed that despite the recognition of the needs of older adults and people with disabilities who visit the municipality, the tourist offer fails to comply with most of the eight accessibility characteristics evaluated: entrances and routes, service areas, signage and information, personnel and service, public sanitary areas, paths, parking and stairs, ramps and elevators. In addition, a certain disinterest in improving the facilities and the service offered by these tourism providers was perceived, coupled with a recurring disagreement about the lack of financing that would allow them to invest in the necessary adjustments. Finally, recommendations are presented for the management of accessible tourism for older adults and people with disabilities where actors from the state and municipal governments, academia, private initiative, and associations should participate in the development of an action plan.
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