This research aimed to determine the influence of administrative management on the organizational development of Ecuadorian higher education institutions. Methodologically, it was developed with the positivist paradigm, oriented towards a quantitative approach with a non-experimental, transactional, correlational design. The population was made up of 685 teachers attached to the Technical University of Manabí, from which the sample of 247 carefully selected people was derived, to whom the data collection instrument was applied to collect information on how important it is for organizational development administrative management. The results showed that 49% of the interviewed participants stated that administrative management goes hand in hand with optimal and sustainable development of higher education institutions, 48% neutrally noted the implementation of administrative management workshops, 32% believe that it is not necessary to implement strategies and projects that allow promoting good administrative management, allowing the obtaining of good resources, including technological, human and scientific resources, to decrease. From the study carried out, it was found that the behavior of the variables analyzed is linear; therefore, it is concluded that the relationship between them is direct and, therefore positive.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Verónica Monserrate Mendoza Fernández, Jenniffer Sobeida Moreira Choez, Carmen Liliana Mera Plaza