Ergonomic risks associated with the job of administrative staff | Revista Publicando
Ergonomic risks associated with the job of administrative staff


work environment
posture ergonomía
ambiente de trabajo

How to Cite

Cercado Bajaña, M. M., Chinga Carreño, G. P., & Soledispa Rodríguez, X. E. (2021). Ergonomic risks associated with the job of administrative staff. Revista Publicando, 8(32), 69-81.


Ergonomics is the science that studies how to adapt the relationship of human beings with their environment. However, there are a series of actions that pose risks to people's health, thus affecting the ergonomics of the system that surrounds them. In this sense, office jobs provide a series of components that have the possibility of involving ergonomic risks that are affecting the health and well-being of the employee. Therefore, the objective of the research is to identify the factors that cause the ergonomic risks associated with the work position of the administrative personnel, through a systematic documentary review that allows transcribing the results of the existing studies in the scientific literature on the subject to be treated. The methodology used has a bibliographic design of a documentary type. In conclusion, ergonomic risks in workplaces show that they can be caused by an inappropriate postural load, environmental conditions and psychosocial aspects, which affect the health and well-being of the worker, where some of these factors are the design of the furniture (table, chairs or data display screens) or environmental factors such as lighting, noise or temperature.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Melany Massiel Cercado Bajaña, Gema Patricia Chinga Carreño, Xavier Enrique Soledispa Rodríguez


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