Distribution channels in the lemon sales of the producers of the Ayacucho parish, Santa Ana canton, Manabí province | Revista Publicando
Distribution channels in the lemon sales of the producers of the Ayacucho parish, Santa Ana canton, Manabí province


canal de distribución
ventas distribution channel

How to Cite

Sumba-Bustamante, R., Vinueza-Ramirez, M., & Pibaque-Molina, T. (2021). Distribution channels in the lemon sales of the producers of the Ayacucho parish, Santa Ana canton, Manabí province. Revista Publicando, 8(31), 240-257. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2247


A distribution channel consists of a set of people and companies involved in the transfer of rights of a product, it always includes the producer and the final customer of the product in its present form, as well as any intermediary, such as retailers and wholesalers, its importance lies in the benefit that consumers receive in terms of saving time to meet needs with obtaining the product, however it has been observed that in the Ayacucho parish, the commercialization of lemon is done using several links in the distribution channel hindering the obtaining of higher income to producers. For this reason, in this study it was proposed to determine the distribution channels that contribute to the increase of lemon sales in the parish, for which exploratory, field and documentary research was used, with the techniques of interviewing the President of the Parish GAD and a survey of 49 producers, establishing the distribution channel they use, and recommending the implementation of strategic alliances that contribute to promote the export of their product for the revitalization of commercial activity.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Ruth Sumba-Bustamante, María Vinueza-Ramirez, Thalia Pibaque-Molina


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