E-commerce: user experiences in their internet purchase | Revista Publicando
E-commerce: user experiences in their internet purchase


electronic commerce
commercial transactions comercio electrónico
transacciones comerciales

How to Cite

Arroyave Jiménez, K., Cevallos Ponce, V., Ponce Merino, S. R., & Parrales Poveda, M. L. (2021). E-commerce: user experiences in their internet purchase. Revista Publicando, 8(31), 225-239. https://doi.org/10.51528/rp.vol8.id2246


The article addresses as a theme the analysis of e-commerce and the experiences of users in their online shopping. The objective is to demonstrate that Internet shopping practices enable to conceive, from the point of view of commerce, a strategy to optimize the sales of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as to establish the balance between the social and individual character of the subjects involved in e-commerce, explaining its use, reduction of distrust, advantage and disadvantage of its application. The work is based on the foundations of dialectical materialism to contribute to the development of qualities of the buying and selling personality in correspondence with the modern administration and the electronic commerce that is in full growth. Pearson's Chi-squared test is used to relate the dependence of the variables of the study. Experience, changes, challenges, trends, and competitiveness of markets, as well as tastes and preferences are faced as key factors of e-commerce.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Katherine Arroyave Jiménez, Vinicio Cevallos Ponce, Shirley Rosario Ponce Merino, María Leonor Parrales Poveda


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