Application of post-bureaucracy in the civil service | Revista Publicando
Application of post-bureaucracy in the civil service


función pública
competitividad bureaucracy
public function

How to Cite

Parrales Reyes, J. E., Pibaque Pionce, M. S., & Nieto Parrales, D. A. (2021). Application of post-bureaucracy in the civil service. Revista Publicando, 8(31), 36-49.


State reform has become the central theme of the world political agenda, proposed by the second generation of reforms in Latin America, causing changes in the organizational system, as a way of generating the necessary conditions for overcoming the most pressing problems. Therefore, the objective of this research is to guarantee the fulfillment of goals in the face of the limitations of the administration, through access to the service of the individual and to synthesize the various actions and reforms carried out in the public sector. The modern political system, in seeking legitimacy, has to offer adequate reasons and procedures for the generation and expression of decisions. The research methods and techniques employed allowed the management of information and its processing and interpretation to facilitate an approach to this problem and to offer recommendations for its realization.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Jenny Elizabeth Parrales Reyes, Maritza Sandra Pibaque Pionce, Dayan Alejandra Nieto Parrales


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