Alternative justice in Covid-19 times | Revista Publicando
Alternative justice in Covid-19 times


Online Mediation
Conflict Resolution
Covid-19 Mediación en línea
Resolución de conflictos

How to Cite

Escalera Silva, L. A., Amador Corral, S. R., & España Lozano, J. (2021). Alternative justice in Covid-19 times: Mediators’ experience with online mediation in Nuevo León, Mexico. Revista Publicando, 8(28), 59-66.


Once a global pandemic was declared, many routine activities shifted from face-to-face to online. In matters of justice, it was not the exception, and in Mexico, specifically in the area of mediation, the mediations that were normally carried out in institutions in a face-to-face manner are now carried out virtually. This requires ensuring that the processes that are now carried out online, have the same guarantees as the processes in person and if necessary identify areas of opportunity to work on them as soon as possible. 25 interviews were applied to people who currently work as mediators in the Judicial Branch of the State of Nuevo León with the objective of knowing what their experience has been with the online mediation procedure.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Luz Alejandra Escalera Silva, Sandra Rubí Amador Corral, Jesús España Lozano


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