Social determinants of health that influence adherence to prenatal care | Revista Publicando
Social determinants of health that influence adherence to prenatal care
Revista Publicando


Determinantes sociales de la salud
Control Prenatal
accesibilidad a servicios de salud
salud y comunidad Determinantes sociales de la salud
Control Prenatal
accesibilidad a servicios de salud
salud y comunidad Social determinants of health
Prenatal Control
Pregnant women
accessibility to health
health and community services

How to Cite

Piña Calle, E. A. (2020). Social determinants of health that influence adherence to prenatal care. Revista Publicando, 7(26), 54-62. Retrieved from


Due to preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth, about 1000 women die every day in the world, bringing with it irreversible psychosocial consequences in the family and the community, a phenomenon that is exacerbated in developing countries; Under this premise, the following objective was set: To determine the adherence to prenatal control of pregnant women who were registered by health professionals at the August 16 Health Post belonging to the District Office 14D02 Huamboya-Pablo Sexto-Palora-Salud. A retrospective, descriptive, analytical cross-sectional study was carried out in which 63 pregnant women between the ages of 12 and 39 years were included. The collection and statistical analysis of the results showed the predominance of pregnant women between 20 and 24 years of age; 95.2% of the users do not have social security or peasant insurance, most of them belong to the communities of Chai, Yavintza and Santa Inés; only 34.9% of the pregnant women were recorded in the prenatal control records. The main social determinants of health that influence adherence to prenatal care are: age, beliefs, customs, geographical accessibility, the region's climate and gender inequality, a situation that worries health authorities who can identify and intervene in advance in view of the risks related to pregnancy to achieve not only an adequate pregnancy but also to avoid complications in childbirth that leave sequelae for the mother, her child and the community.



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Copyright (c) 2020 Esteban Armando Piña Calle


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