Impact of student retention on institutional development | Revista Publicando
Impact of student retention on institutional development
Revista Publicando Issue 25 Vol 7


institutional growth
terminal efficiency
desertion Desarrollo institucional
eficiencia terminal
retención estudiantil

How to Cite

Perazzo Logioia, D. C., Quintero Bastardo, D. A., & Jiménez González, L. L. (2020). Impact of student retention on institutional development. Revista Publicando, 7(25), 193-201.


The Human Development Index, hereinafter HDI, is currently an indicator used with the purpose of measuring the progress of a country from three main dimensions, such as: the possibility of enjoying a long but healthy life, the standard of living that is considered worthy of every human being, and the level of access that the population has to education. Previously, a developing country was translated in the amount of territory it owned, in mineral and forest wealth, in machinery management, in the number of factories at its disposal. Today’s economic growth strictly depends on the professional training of its inhabitants, being it basic, technical or university, and, furthermore, their continuous training is essential in the economic field and development of a nation. That is why many countries strive to increase their educational potential and growth in all its corners. Examples of this are Finland, Norway, Japan, the United States, among others, which focus on establishing advanced educational strategies so that their students are trained with the highest levels of preparation, and then incorporate them into the job emporium, helping to strengthen business production, and therefore to their economy. This article aims to analyze the relationship between Institutional Educational Growth and the student retention capacity generated by each Institution, which determines the existing complexity for the growth of educational institutions.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Claudio Perazzo Logioia, Douglas Armando Quintero Bastardo, Ledys Lisbeth Jiménez González


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