Graphic representation methodological proposal applied to the anthropological study of the Cañari culture | Revista Publicando
Graphic representation methodological proposal applied to the anthropological study of the Cañari culture
Revista Publicando Issue 25 Vol 7


symmetry diseño

How to Cite

Castro Pacheco, M. L., Lema Polo, K. J., & Nievecela Avila, B. F. (2020). Graphic representation methodological proposal applied to the anthropological study of the Cañari culture. Revista Publicando, 7(25), 136-145.


Today there is a large number of products that refer to or pay tribute to various symbols or graphics referring to cultures; throughout history these representations were generated in a native way by craftsmen in various areas such as: textiles, ceramics, decoration and other products with a symbolic load in reference to a culture. This causes a conflict in the understanding of: forms, figures or chromatic, around the concept and background of the element, in addition the bad management contributes to the nonappropriate use of later representations, this due to an absence of a methodology that contributes basic concepts of construction of the image, semiotics and chromatic.

This article it’s about of how to conceptualize compositional elements for use according to design methodologies by developing a manual for the representation of symbolic forms of a culture as an example, in this case the Cañari which consists of a publication that can be used by teachers, students and professionals in the area of Graphic Design, as a reference for the visualization of graphic compositions and illustrations that were obtained from the analysis of pre-Columbian objects, applied in an article of daily use such as an ecological shopping bag through the following process: morphological analysis, formal geometrization, use of chromatics and typography and generation of compositions from the foundations of the design.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Mónica Liliana Castro Pacheco, Kléber John Lema Polo, Bruno Fernando Nievecela Avila


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