The symbolic forms of the Cañari culture. An approach to green bag design | Revista Publicando
The symbolic forms of the Cañari culture. An approach to green bag design
Revista Publicando Issue 25 Vol 7


sign shapes
cañari formas sígnicas
cañari formas sígnicas

How to Cite

Pauta Ayabaca, S. C., Quintero Bastardo, D. A., & Pazmiño, M. (2020). The symbolic forms of the Cañari culture. An approach to green bag design. Revista Publicando, 7(25), 202-211.


The province of Azuay has a cultural heritage that is recognized nationally and internationally for its architectural, archaeological, intangible, and documentary wealth. Part of that cultural plenitude was developed by ancient cultures settled in the Tomebamba plains, today Cuenca. Regarding the origins of the Cerro Narrio culture, also known as Chaullabamba, the bibliographic review confirms that it arises in the southern part of the Ecuadorian Andes, current provinces of Cañar and Azuay; it was considered ancestor of the Cañaris. This project is based on the use of cultural memories for the preservation of identity, contributing to the maintenance of intangible heritage through forms and figures of aboriginal people of the Province of Azuay, from the perspective of ecological, sustainable, and sustainable design. The goal of the research revolves around the promotion of values, attitudes, levels of awareness of indigenous roots, and preservation of the cultural identity of the habitat. The data and information were collected through fieldwork, interviews with key subjects, involvement in designs, representation of symbology in visual media, with phrases, slogan, and figures emphasized in a series of themes aimed at preserving the cultural and educational heritage. The main contributions of the project are based on fundamental principles of graphic design such as: pieces, shapes, colors, fonts, textures, and messages used for the dissemination of all these representative aspects of the Cañari culture.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Douglas Armando Quintero Bastardo, Catalina Pauta, Marco Pazmiño


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