The Surveillance and control technologies in the organization | Revista Publicando
The Surveillance and control technologies in the organization
Revista Publicando Issue 25 Vol 7


Tecnología Surveillance
Technology Technology

How to Cite

Echeverría Vásquez , H., Abad Merchán , A., & Carpio Chiriboga , R. E. (2020). The Surveillance and control technologies in the organization: a study from the approaches of organizational surveillance. Revista Publicando, 7(25), 120-127. Retrieved from


This study covers the execution of a descriptive study, which breaks down the surveillance approaches in the organization of 416 recognized companies in Ecuador. The study concludes with a preference in the use of human labor surveillance tools, implying that Ecuadorian organizations tend to be more concerned with the individual behavior of personnel and the protection of their property, obviously showing synergistic behavior among the strategic surveillance tools, which shows a parallel execution of these means.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Huber Echeverría Vásquez , Andrés Abad Merchán , Ronald Carpio Chiriboga


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