Strategies to prevent and manage in-hospital infections, as well as compliance with currently required biosecurity guidelines, reduce occupational risks for employees and hospitalized patients. To carry out a detailed review of state of the art, deepening aspects of biosecurity in the health area, the protection of patients, and the personnel who work there. An extensive search was made in electronic databases, using the following combinations as search criteria: biosecurity, risks of hospital infection, accidental infection, health personnel, and hospital infections. With the increase in the days of admission, the patients can suffer nosocomial infections. Besides, it is recognized, among the collaborators, the order of greatest risk of contagion with diseases or accidents places doctors, nurses, medical interns, nursing assistants, and finally, the cleaning workers, who must be extremely compliant with biosecurity strategies. The scientific literature highlights the issue of biosecurity as a current public health problem, being evident the need to frequently check the norms of prevention of nosocomial infections in hospital centers, where the non-observance of these aspects violates the biosecurity system in the health system, bringing with it a negative impact generated by the increase in diseases, increase the days of hospitalization and with it the cost of health rises.
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