Psychosocial aspects related to the quality of life of older adults suffering from Type II Diabetes Mellitus | Revista Publicando
Psychosocial aspects related to the quality of life of older adults suffering from Type II Diabetes Mellitus
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Sellan Reinoso, G. N., & Villamar Gavilanes, A. D. (2020). Psychosocial aspects related to the quality of life of older adults suffering from Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Revista Publicando, 7(24), 39-48. Retrieved from


The diagnosis of a chronic disease produces states of anxiety and anxiety in the elderly adult, there is currently a wide debate about the quality of life of these patients, as confirmed by the World Report on aging and health, in this population there is a high incidence of Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II, a disease that comprises a set of metabolic alterations, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, being a pathology that has prospered in society, in this sense a review of the state of the art in this subject was carried out, with the aim of To examine the psychosocial aspects related to the quality of life of older adults suffering from Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II, where a final sample of 29 articles was constituted and for these an exhaustive review of the full text was carried out. It is proposed to carry out psychological interventions based on the experience of scientific research, specifying work in stress management, increasing physical activity and the social relationship of these patients facing the disease.



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