Cultural Policy of Yugoslav self-management: Conceptual and Value Bases and Modalities | Revista Publicando
Cultural Policy of Yugoslav self-management: Conceptual and Value Bases and Modalities


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lexeme память /memory
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imaginative paradigm.

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M. Kolaric, V., & B. Vukicevic, V. (2020). Cultural Policy of Yugoslav self-management: Conceptual and Value Bases and Modalities. Revista Publicando, 7(23), 50-59. Retrieved from


The paper points to the importance of culture in the project of Yugoslav socialist self- management and explores, in the first place, the doctrinal interpretation of culture as a sector, as an integrative factor for the socio-political system, and as a regulator of values and concepts. Different modalities of cultural policy are explored in the context of socialist self-management, and a model for their classification is suggested, which can clarify more clearly the peculiarities of the cultural policy of socialist self-management and grasp their relevance for our time. Given the notion of culture as an integral part of the project of establishing a socialist self-managing society, also seen as its “core,” the failure of the project of Yugoslav socialist self-management could be viewed not as primarily a political or economic one but as a failure in the field of culture.


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