Theoretical and conceptual reflections on the conservation and preservation of archival documents | Revista Publicando
Theoretical and conceptual reflections on the conservation and preservation of archival documents
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G. K. Chesterton
art criticism
literary criticism

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Santana Pembele, C., Dorado Santana, Y., Francisco Dala, C., & António Baptista Calunga, A. (2020). Theoretical and conceptual reflections on the conservation and preservation of archival documents. Revista Publicando, 7(24), 21-38. Retrieved from


This article reflects and studies a series of concepts and approaches on the subject of conservation and preservation of archival documents. A theoretical approach to the object of study will allow the proposal of a plan for the conservation and preservation of archival documents for the Chimuco-Viana Primary School and 1st Cycle No. 5113. It is the theoretical foundation through the literature review on the information related to the object of study of this research. General concepts of archive documents are addressed, emphasizing the distinctive features of these documents in relation to others and also the inherent qualities of archive documents. Subsequently, the concept of preservation and conservation of documents and the history of document conservation practices are conceptualized. It deals with the document conservation plans as well as their importance in the institutions that hold documentary collections. Finally, the study concludes by presenting a proposal for a plan for the preservation and preservation of archival documents for the School No. 5113, Chimuco - Viana, which will eliminate the different agents and factors of document degradation that threaten to destroy the documents of that school. With the implementation of the archival document preservation and preservation plan proposed here, the school will have a very effective tool to combat and eliminate the different document degradation factors that exist in that institution.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Yanara Dorado Santana, Celma da Conceií§í£o Santana Pembele, Celso Francisco Dala, António Baptista Calunga


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