Incidence of Organizational Culture in the Efficiency of Management in Companies | Revista Publicando
Incidence of Organizational Culture in the Efficiency of Management in Companies
Vol 6 (20)


higher education
new generation standards
independent work
a foreign language

How to Cite

Navas Bayona, W. I., Vera Loor, R. Y., & Cedeño Duplaá, M. G. (2019). Incidence of Organizational Culture in the Efficiency of Management in Companies. Revista Publicando, 6(20), 57-73. Retrieved from


This article reviews the research approach to determine how organizational culture affects the performance of companies in various sectors of the economy of the province of Manabí­. It is a study from the quantitative paradigm, with a correlational non-experimental sectional design, through the application of a standardized instrument, the questionnaire proposed by Denison and collaborators, called the Denison Organizational Culture Survey. The research was designed as a fundamental purpose to determine how the organizational culture of the companies in the province of Manabí­ affects the effectiveness of its management. For this, it was decided to analyze different measurement models of the organizational culture of the companies, choosing the one mentioned by Denison and collaborators. The application of such a model is envisaged for a group of companies from the different sectors of the economy of the province of Manabí­ to establish the comparisons that may arise, and then make appropriate recommendations that result in the necessary improvements in business performance.


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