Model of formation of ethnopedagogical competence of the future teacher of physical culture by means of ethnosport | Revista Publicando
Model of formation of ethnopedagogical competence of the future teacher of physical culture by means of ethnosport


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Daurov, A. M., Kulchitskij, V. E., & Magomedov, R. R. (2018). Model of formation of ethnopedagogical competence of the future teacher of physical culture by means of ethnosport. Revista Publicando, 5(18), 21-28. Retrieved from


The article discusses the model of formation of ethnopedagogical competence of the future teacher of physical culture by means of ethnosport. The following basic blocks for the formation of ethno pedagogical competence are presented and described: target block, informative block, technological block, effective block. The feasibility of introducing a model into the educational process of a higher education institution has been experimentally proven.


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