Conspiracy in the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and foreign states: issues of terminology | Revista Publicando
Conspiracy in the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and foreign states: issues of terminology

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Ponomarenko, N. Y., Dolzhenko, N. I., Kocyumbas, S. M., Lesnikov, G. Y., & Zhukova, N. A. (2018). Conspiracy in the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and foreign states: issues of terminology. Revista Publicando, 5(15(2), 1529-1536. Retrieved from


Based on the analysis of regulatory legal acts relating to the activities of law enforcement agencies of different states, this paper presents an ambiguous interpretation of the legal concept of "conspiracy" and the expediency of using this term in regulatory legal acts that determine the content and regulate the organization of international cooperation with law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.



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