Studying the Effect of Strategic Thinking on Innovation Performance (Case study: Sistan and Baluchestan Customs Administration) | Revista Publicando
Studying the Effect of Strategic Thinking on Innovation Performance (Case study: Sistan and Baluchestan Customs Administration)

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Moghadam, H., Haddadi, E., & Kikha, A. (2018). Studying the Effect of Strategic Thinking on Innovation Performance (Case study: Sistan and Baluchestan Customs Administration). Revista Publicando, 5(15(2), 1123-1135. Retrieved from


Strategic thinking is highlighted as one of the main capabilities of leaders. The present research is conducted to study the effect of strategic thinking on innovation performance in Sistan and Baluchestan province customs administrations. Research statistical population included 70 office administrators (90% male and 10% female) of Sistan and Baluchestan province customs administrations selected through census sampling method. Research data were collected through researcher- made strategic thinking based on innovation performance scale. Research face and content validity was verified using descriptive and inferential statistics through SPSS. Research results indicate that all strategic thinking dimensions significantly influence innovation performance.  



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